The Inn at Tabbs Creek

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sunset over the creek

The Best Sunsets of Mathews County

…Without ever leaving our dock.

Some of the Best Sunsets in Mathews County can be seen from the end of our dock at the Inn at Tabbs Creek. Several of our local beaches are also popular spots for watching the sunset.

Picture This.

You and your loved one unwinding dockside after a long day of kayaking.  Your arms ache a little bit but not uncomfortably. It doesn’t matter because you feel content that you were able to be active without feeling like you’ve exercised.

That is what the wine is for anyway! You can start to feel yourself settle back deeper into the Adirondack, pace slowed, on the brink of total relaxation.

Your partner sitting beside you out-paddled you today, but you don’t care because no one tipped their kayak or dropped their paddle. You consider that a success. 

Your trophy is descending before you, to close a day that you will remember for the unremarkable actuality of marshland, and exploring it without needing to, or having somewhere to be.  

The expanse of grassy shores with its steady ripples of bay tides splashed against your boat. You felt that overwhelming and dizzying essence that nature made you feel small, humble and lucky to be you, and to be here, today.

The red, burning sun slowly settles to kiss the shorelines of Mathews County goodnight. The sun sets every night, moving at the same pace with a unique blending of bold colors. Tonight, in this moment you don’t see why that matters. Or why anything outside of this moment matters. You are watching this particular sunset display colorfully for you and the love sitting next to you.

For this is why the sunset is unremarkable. Not for its distinguished beauty, but for its daily diligence in helping you remember who you are and why that must remain simple.

And the view is totally unapologetically all yours. 

Book your stay at the Inn today and experience some of the best sunsets of Mathews County.

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