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Baked Eggs with Roasted Red Pepper and Chardonnay Sauce

baked eggs roasted red pepper and chardonay sauce

(Serves One for the Eggs 4-6 for the sauce)

2 eggs
2 tsp. salted butter, melted
2 tsp. heavy cream
¼ tsp fresh dill (1/8 tsp dried dill)
Pinch Salt
Pinch Black Pepper
2 Tbl. Shredded Havarti Cheese

Pre Heat oven to 400 degrees

1. In a 6 – 8 oz baking ramekin, swirl melted butter to coat sides and bottom.
2. Add heavy cream
3. Crack both eggs, being careful not to break yolks.
4. Sprinkle in salt and pepper
5. Sprinkle in Cheese, and top with dill.
6. Place in oven for approximately 12 – 14 minutes or until eggs are just barely set.
7. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before service – the dish and eggs will still be very hot.

For the Sauce :

1 Medium Red Bell Pepper
2 tsp. Salted Butter
¼ cup Chardonnay
¼ cup Heavy Cream
Pinch of Salt

1. Roast Pepper until completely black over open flame on grill or gas stove. (you may also place under a broiler in the oven)
2. Allow to cool for 5 – 10 minutes and remove blackened peel under slowly running cool water.
3. Rough chop pepper and sauté I butter in a small skillet for 5 minutes over medium heat.
4. Add chardonnay and reduce heat to medium low. Allow Chardonnay to reduce to 1 Tablespoon or so.
5. Place pepper mixture in food processor or blender. Add salt and heavy cream and puree until smooth.
6. Gently reheat on stovetop over low heat, do not allow to boil.
7. Serve warm sauce over baked eggs and serve immediately.

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