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Cycle Mathews County

cycling near one of mathews beaches

Mathews County offers wonderful areas for cycling with flat roads and scenic waterfront routes. Also join us in May for the Annual Tour de Chesapeake Cycling Event.

Mathews County boasts flat, level roads making it a great place to cycle! Given the flat landscape, don’t worry about navigating hills when you cycle Mathews County! Our little town is also stoplight free, not a single one in the county. With miles and miles of backroads you can discover beaches, waterfront access points, farmland and marshes. Other interest points such as the Observation Deck for New Point Comfort Lighthouse or a ride into town for some lunch and light shopping!

While riding you will see plenty of wildlife, especially birds. Herons, osprey, bald eagles and egrets are just to name a few. The estuaries you may ride near provide extensive habitants for many species of wildlife. Birds, fish and insects thrive in these areas near the Chesapeake Bay.

cycling group

Getting around: How to Cycle Mathews County

There are other choices for cycling as well. For example, a nice ride into downtown Mathews. Or down to the end of the peninsula to New Point Comfort Lighthouse observation deck. Additionally, if you want to take longer rides, we have maps with numerous routes and are happy to help you plan one that works for you.

Tour de Chesapeake: a cyclists dream ride

Residents of Mathews are accustomed to sharing the road with cyclist all year long. Our county hosts an annual event called Tour de Chesapeake. Every year on the 3rd weekend in May, between 500-600 cyclists and their families come to Mathews. This long weekend event includes cycling, farmers and artisan markets, music and fun for the whole family. If you are a peddler, you will want to join in on this event, and Stay Inn with us for an ultimate biking getaway.

Overall, traffic off the main road is usually pretty sparse making Mathews a great town to check out. Plus, its a great way to explore the town and get out for some exercise!

cycling downtown
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